Each year, the sights of Auraximas stir the spirits of soldiers everywhere; a reminder to take time for one another, and focus not only on the war, but the world in which we fight it.<br><br>This Auraximas, we have gone with a "Frozen Technology" theme!<br><br>You can expect to see some chilling Directive Rewards such as:<br><br><ul><font color="#ACE1E5"><li>Glitch Decal</li><li>Glitch Banner</li><li>Glitch Banner Frame</li><li>Glitch Camo</li><li>Glitch Horn</li></font></ul><br>We have annual festive items making a comeback for the year and also some new additions to grace the Depot:<br><br><ul><font color="#ACE1E5"> <li>NS-D "Ice Dragon" Helios</li><li>Elemental Dragon Helmets member only item update</li></font></ul>
<li>NS-D "Ice Dragon" Helios</li><li>Elemental Dragon Helmets member only item update</li></font></ul>